Books are not mere objects, words on paper or in online files, to be bought and sold in a shop.
Books are collaborations. In face-to-face projects with creative people, I've written and edited books and Web material. I've organised, presented and recorded history and community projects. There have been many collaborations with publishers, museums, companies, and institutions, throughout Australia and internationally. These talented colleagues include Macmillan, Oxford University Press, the Museum of Sydney and the National Library of Australia.
Reading is another collaboration. On AbeBooks, Katie Yakovleva gives seven reasons to love reading books:
- Reading dares you to grow
- Reading lets you experience multiple realities
- Reading challenges your perspective
- Reading helps you remember
- Reading helps you forget
- Reading means you don't have to be alone
- Reading brings life
Find some of my book collaborations by clicking on titles and authors to the right of this page. Others can be found by clicking Book collaborations, life stories; Community Stories; Books written and other Menu headings on this site.
See the new page, Into World Books, highlighting work from different cultural backgrounds, for African Books in The Australian and Pandanus Books 2001-2006: Asia and the Pacific.
Read some of Diana's scripts and articles
'Why publish books when it's possible to make a fat living in any number of other serious industries?...'
Click here to read Small publishers: Serpent’s Tail and Fourth Estate, broadcast on Books and Writing, ABC Radio National, 1988
See also Galvanising Forces, National Library of Australia News X (6), March 2000
'...Fiji Indian scholar Satendra Nandan asserted that to read a line or a page is to enter into an imaginative migration and, citing Grass, Naipaul, Kundera and Rushdie, that the migrant can be seen as the central defining figure of the twentieth century...'
Click here to read The Self, the Place and the Others, broadcast on Books and Writing, ABC Radio National, 1989
See also Finding one's voice in a new land, The Weekend Australian, 17-18 August 1991, an interview with Yasmine Gooneratne
‘Everyone should be aware that oral history can be risky. If it offers a capacious space in which people can tell their stories, such terrain may be booby-trapped or mined. Emotions may spring to attack at any moment. People have cried on my tapes. I have been told long stories of violence and disgrace. Bottled-up resentments and frustrations have spilled out…How much emotional turmoil should an interviewer allow before turning off the tape recorder? Quite a lot…Oral history must learn to grapple with what might seem unspeakable, with memories of war or famine…’
Click here and scroll down first column to read Editing lives, Voices 6 (1), Autumn 1996, quarterly journal of the National Library of Australia
Read extracts
Paul Bird, CreateSpace, 2013
Sunny Haslinger
Featured books
Phil Murray New Holland, 2017
reprinted January 2022, with new cover
Daryl Lim, Penguin Random House SEA 2023
Nancy Knudsen Tamejin Publishing, 2016
Jane Allen Halkett Books, 2015
Joan Philips Sydney Jewish Museum, 2014
Gabrielle Gouch Hybrid Publishers, 2013
Giulia Lessanutti Journey through art, 2012
Ying Ying, Allen & Unwin 2013
Subhash Jaireth,Transit Lounge, 2012
Dasia Black Brandl & Schlesinger, 2012
Nora Huppert Sydney Jewish Museum, 2012
Nancy Knudsen Allen & Unwin, 2011
Yoram Gross Brandl & Schlesinger, 2011